Culture Intelligence Content Hub

Viken Fiber and Culture Intelligence

Written by Culture Intelligence | 4. January 2023



The company

The company was facing the need for rapid growth, post-pandemic hybrid work and a possible restructuring. The CEO recognized that a culture change was needed, with new values meeting the requirements of the more complex future situation. The CEO and HR director set an ambition to generate a new way of approaching leadership. A program for all leaders was designed over the next six months in a mix of virtual and teams workshops. This was time well invested by the company to mobilize all the leaders to prepare for the more challenging period ahead! The culture change would be aligned around the existing corporate values designed in 2016; SOLID, PÅ LAG, GLØD, and DRIV, and be the guiding principles for the organization going forward.

Culture Intelligence Approach

In order to transform the organizational culture, there was a need to first understand the current culture. A Culture Hackathon ™ was arranged with all 140 employees from all locations in the company. This is a structured approach that takes 60 minutes. During the first 30 minutes, we mapped out the employees’ values priorities with the Culture Intelligence survey. The second part of the Culture Hackathon ™ was used to visualize their actual culture. After the Culture Hackathon ™, each participant got their own personal report with their personal values score and culture indicator.

The first workshop (Actual culture) generated insights and diagnostics on “Who we are together”, what to keep with the current culture, and reflect on actual behaviors and leadership habits. Understanding the starting point of the current culture is a key point for reflecting on what needs to be preserved and kept as a part of the future culture.

The second leadership workshop (Aspired culture) was focused on reflections on global and local trends, what the expected changes would require from them as leaders and the following identification of what kind of values they would need more of. The Culture Intelligence framework allowed them to accurately discuss and identify the most relevant new values for the future and shape the revised Culture Code. We focused on revising the existing corporate brand values from 2016 to include new values that were deemed relevant for future success.

The third leadership workshop (Activation) was focused on what kind of concrete actions the new corporate values content required from the leaders. Actions, attitudes, and practical initiatives to live the new values were discussed and prioritized.

Each leader also had a one-to-one culture dialogue with a specially trained Culture Intelligence partner to identify personal values and development needs. The new attitudes, behaviors and actions needed were discussed and agreed upon. The leaders were now ready for implementation in their respective teams! Implementation of the new corporate culture was kicked off in a town hall meeting with all employees.

Culture Intelligence methodology provided us with data, a framework, and practical ways to understand our real actual culture and gave us a powerful lens to analyze and identify new key values required for the situation we were in. The technological solution enabled us to define our future way of
working in a data-driven and accurate way, with both the collective insight but also with the individual impact for each leader.

Anne Berit Rørlien, CEO at Viken Fiber

The Company Result

The final outcome was a clear and shared understanding amongst the leaders to why change was necessary and what the new culture was all about for the organization.

The Culture Hackathon ™ provided a bottom-up insight of the current culture and gave an insight into what people actually value the most and therefore tend to put into action. The aspired culture was built based on trends and analytics of future scenarios. The result was a new corporate culture and an insight for all leaders, including the why, how, and what going forward.

The Culture Intelligence methodology and analytics provided the springboard for ensuring data-driven culture growth. The culture analytics provided the leadership team with a clear, and actionable culture transformation path with four clearly identified brand values. The new corporate values were communicated as core of their brand. It created ownership and pride within the company. Individual users will have 24/7 access to the Culture Intelligence platform, where they can see their own data scores, discover the meanings of values by clicking through Culture Map and compare themselves to the team/company. It also allows leaders to monitor changes in their culture simply by using the app to arrange a new 60 min hackathon regularly.