Get accurate insight into your culture

Find the culture your strategy requires. Use the AI tool to move from your actual culture to your aspired culture, relying on data instead of assumptions.

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Why culture is so important for your business?


said company culture is more important than salary

Forbes, 2022


of companies looking to adopt workforce technologies​ by 2027.

World Economic Forum 2023​


of HR leaders agree their culture is not where it should be

Gartner, 2023

Some of the use cases of culture data

Merger & Acquisition



Brand Idenity

Psychological Safety

Get culture insight in both companies

Analyze the cultural aspects present in both companies and determine the unique contributions each of them brings.

Compare values priorities

Get a comparison of values and mindset to identify alignment and potential culture friction.

Create a cohesive culture

Design the strategic culture for the merger
and define the culture journey to get both to align with it.






UseCases M&A High Res

Communicate future culture code

Confidently communicate your company's brand values during the recruitment process.

Select culture-aligned candidates

Hire candidates who align best with the company's culture code, ensuring a culture fit.

Onboard new talents effectively

Identify the values that require activation in order to align talents with teams.

Use Cases Recruitment

Start with a predefined innovation culture code

Utilize your culture data to analyze the elements in your culture that support innovation and identify any potential obstacles.

Bridge the innovation gap

Visualize the gap between your current and desired innovation cultures to identify necessary adjustments.

Customize your innovation journey

Align your people to the innovation culture code and activate the values each person needs.

Use Cases Innovation

Create a brand-aligned culture code

Create a dynamic culture code that embodies your brand's values and guides your organization through tangible behaviors and principles.

Visualize the employee-brand alignment

Assess the alignment between employees and the envisioned brand values, examining how each individual and team aligns with the brand identity.

Get guided alignment strategy

Personalized guidance for employees and teams to embrace brand identity, fostering unity and driving aligned behaviors.

UseCases Brand Identity

Get measurable insight into psychological safety

Quantify values impacting psychological safety rather than relying on subjective evaluation.

Identify barriers and enablers

Visually map your culture to identify values that either support or hinder psychological safety, while highlighting essential elements of openness and trust.

Empower leaders with a data-driven foundation

Enable leaders to prioritize psychological safety in the organization through a data-driven approach for practical and impactful results.

UseCases Psychological Saefty

Culture Intelligence was the answer


Culture Intelligence methodology provided us with data, a framework, and practical ways to understand our real actual culture and gave us a powerful lens to analyze and identify new key values required for the situation we were in. The technological solution enabled us to define our future way of working in a data-driven and accurate way, with both the collective insight but also with the individual impact for each leader.

Anne Berit Rørlien, CEO at Viken Fiber

Anne Berit

We are using Culture Intelligence to build a solid foundation for systematic and structured work based on factual data. It quickly provides access to information about many people and can also extract data at different levels within the organization (individual, team, leadership groups, overall). It also offers analysis opportunities against norm groups and industry benchmarks.

Vibeke Forgaard & Siv Skjæveland Valseth, Co-founders at Unlock Potential


Through the application, we have successfully implemented a strategic approach to our culture and aligned it with our overall strategy. It is immensely valuable to have the ability to click on a value or a mindset and access detailed definitions, contexts, and practical tips on how we can actively work on them. The team comparison helped us to understand how each team within our organization are different from each other.

Unni Hafskjold Mildon, HR leader at Studentsamskipnaden i Sørøst- Norge


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CultureCast #65 Telebransjens fremtid og utfordringer
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17. September 2024 | Event
Hvordan jobber vi med organisasjonskultur og verdier
How to build a culture for uncertain time with culture data and AI? We will share examples of how leaders can use AI-powered tools to navigate.
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27. August 2024 | Podcast
CultureCast #64 Kongruens, Turnover og Arbeidsengasjement
Hvordan samsvar mellom verdier og ansattes opplevelser kan styrke engasjementet og redusere turnover.
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