Easy and fast solution to measure your culture


Get a precise insight into your current culture by identifying your team's priorities on different culture drivers in just 30 minutes. Use the insight and suggestions in the team discussion to achieve the desired changes.

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Free for 3-4 users, forever.


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Hear it from our early user


 We tested the CultureDNA®  in our leadership team and we got an insight about our culture and values that we had never seen as clearly as this. This is an insight worth pursuing for better-informed decisions about us in the future.

Yngvar Ugland, Leader of DNB NewTechLab

Yngvar Ugland Testimonial

Why CultureDNA® ?

Precise data
Gather culture data based on personal values priorities, not just assumptions.

Get insights into your actual culture in just 30 minutes with Culture DNA®

Identify the uniqueness of your culture through direct comparison against the Culture Intelligence norm group.

How does CultureDNA® work?

Culture DNA - Send Survey

Perform values mapping of your team

Quickly onboard your team members and send pre-built culture survey. Gain insight into your actual culture through values prioritization among 100 unique values for your team or organization.

Visualize and benchmark your culture

Get a deep understanding of your actual culture, represented visually across various themes and drivers. Compare your culture drivers to the average score of the Culture Intelligence norm group to understand the uniqueness of your culture. With CultureDNA®, you get: 

  • Team or organization scores on 17 culture drivers
  • Detailed insight into your unique culture identity
  • Comparative data against norm group
  • Actionable suggestions for values reflection and change
  • Enhanced awareness of your groups culture
Culture DNA Visualize Data

Get suggestions for desired changes

Use CultureDNA® insights in a workshop, a leadership development program or in a corporate values discussions. Steer away from biases, opinions, and assumptions about your culture. Reflect and discuss around culture oriented questions such as:

  • What insights does our CultureDNA® reveal about us?
  • How does this align with our everyday reality?
  • What surprises us the most about the results?
  • What factors contribute to the observed results?
  • Envisioning the ideal culture, how do we aspire to be?
  • What implications does this have for each member of our team?


FAQ about CultureDNA®

Is the report available in other languages as well?

Yes, the report is available in three different languages: Norwegian, Swedish, and English.

Who comprises the Culture Intelligence norm group?

The Culture Intelligence norm group consists of over 8000 professionals operating across various levels and industries within the Nordic region. While the data primarily originates from the Nordic region, it includes individuals from 90 different nationalities employed within the Nordic region.

Can anyone view individual data?

No, individual data remains confidential. To ensure privacy and maintain anonymity, individual reports are not accessible. Only aggregated reports are available, and they are generated when there are at least three participants included in the dataset. 

Can we access individual reports compared to the Culture Intelligence norm group?

Currently, individual reports compared to the population are not available. However, if you believe an individual report would be beneficial, we encourage you to express your interest by sending an email to feedback@cultureintelligence.io. Your feedback is valuable to us as we continue to enhance our product to meet your needs.

Is there more insight available beyond what CultureDNA® shows?

Yes, you can enhance your subscription to unlock additional features that provide deeper insights into your organization's culture. With the upgraded subscription, you gain access to visualizations of your team's top-performing values priorities, as well as insights into seven different mindsets. Furthermore, in the upgraded Culture Analytics package, you can define your aspired culture by setting a culture code, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding and management of your organization's culture.

Can we integrate CultureDNA® with other solutions via API?

Currently, we do not support any API integration. However, we are always eager to explore how we can meet your specific needs. Please feel free to reach out to us via email at post@cultureintelligence.io with your integration requirements, and we will be happy to discuss potential solutions and enhancements.

How do you store and use the collected data?

Please refer to our Data Processing Agreements.