Why choose Culture Intelligence

At Culture Intelligence, we offer a distinctive approach to culture transformation that brings real value to your organization.

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Why Culture Intelligence

Benefits of Culture Intelligence

Faster and Better Assessment

With Culture Intelligence, you can accurately identify your organization's culture in just one hour, making culture assessment faster and more precise than ever before.

More Holistic Approach
We employ a bottom-up approach to gather culture data, giving everyone in your organization a voice. This inclusivity creates ownership and engagement, ensuring no one is left behind in the culture journey.
Culture as a Science
We have a rich history of documented customer cases spanning over 20 years. Our approach transforms culture assessment from guesswork into a science.

Don't just take our word for it

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Our impact


Unique users


Organization surveyed


Values priorities made

From instinct to insight: Understanding how people work together


Gut Feelings Informed Decisions We help you transition from relying on gut feelings and guesswork to making informed decisions about how people work together.
Long gap between surveys and results Instant reporting We replace the long waiting period between surveys and results with instant reporting, allowing you to stay updated on your organization's culture in real-time.
Annual Surveys Surveys When Things Change We offer the flexibility to conduct surveys not just annually but precisely when changes occur, providing timely insights into your organization's culture.
Consultant Owning the Data You Owning the Data Unlike other approaches where consultants control the data, with us, you have full ownership and control of your culture data.
Sending PDFs Accessing Insights Online Say goodbye to sending PDF reports back and forth. With us, you'll have convenient online access to culture insights.
Lack of Development Opportunities Learning Lab We bridge the gap between identifying issues and addressing them by offering a dedicated Learning Lab to nurture development opportunities.
Standalone metrics Applicability to Various Data Types Our approach isn't limited to culture data; it can be applied to other types of data, offering versatile solutions for your organization.


Understand, measure and redesign your culture

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