Culture Intelligence
Content Hub


16. January 2023 | Event
Thriving in Uncertainty: The Power of Redesigning Culture
Building a resilient culture takes time, but like any other transformation, it is a long term goal and accelerates business growth.
10. November 2022 | Event
On-Demand Webinar: Is your culture designed to attract and retain the right...
In this webinar we have shared insights from our recent Business Culture Intelligence Report 2022.
19. August 2022 | Event
Meet Culture Intelligence at ONS 2022
During this summer, we collected data to see what employees of “the future of work” look for and want in organisational culture.
14. July 2022 | Event
Scaling for Global Success: Culture-driven Innovation
Innovation is the radical opposite of business as usual. Understanding what that means and how the differences show up, requires data.
17. March 2022 | Event
CultureHackathon: Verdien av å vite hvor du står
Global change is going faster and faster, business is becoming more and more complex and competitors are coming from more and completely new places.
7. September 2021 | Event
Pandemien har herjet med bedriftskulturen vet du nok om hvordan?
Vi publiserer Business Culture Intelligence report 2021. Her har vi analysert kulturdata før og etter pandemien.
3. September 2021 | Event
Culture Intelligence at HR Tech 2021
Changing ways of work depends on culture, and the more compatible to change the culture is, the faster and cost effective the change will be.
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