Culture Intelligence
Content Hub


10. November 2022 | Event
On-Demand Webinar: Is your culture designed to attract and retain the right...
In this webinar we have shared insights from our recent Business Culture Intelligence Report 2022.
9. November 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #21: Energibransjen er i endring
Energibransjen er i stor endring. Dekarbonisering, elektrifisering, bransjeutfordringer står i kø. Kommunikasjon og debatt er viktigere enn noen gang.
1. November 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #20: En trippel bunnlinje, people, planet & profit
Triple bunnlinje: folk, planet og profitt - men hvordan praktiseres det? Hva er nær ledelse?
31. October 2022 | Video
Values impact action
This video explains how we make culture easier to understand, faster to change, and more aligned with our goals.
21. October 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #19: Team som tør
Radikal endring, pandemi, krig, markedsturbulens. Lederen må forme riktig teamkultur nå. Hva trengs? Psykologisk trygghet? Ny ledelse? Mot? Hardt...
21. October 2022 | Video
Brining in new management will improve your culture automatically?
Myth Vs Reality: New Management and Culture Change
21. October 2022 | Video
Why it is necessary to align your culture to the strategy?
Why it is necessary to align your culture to the strategy?
20. October 2022 | Video
Changing an organizational culture – Why is it so difficult?
Learn why HR Managers struggle to change the organizational culture
19. October 2022 | Video
CEO was baffled when we asked this
The CEO was baffled when we asked a question about the organizational culture.
19. October 2022 | Video
Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Strategy
Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Strategy
7. September 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #18: CEO´s ansvar for å bygge riktig kultur
Kultur i organisasjonen er viktig for styrer. Styremedlemmer har ansvar for riktig kultur. Hvordan oppnås dette og hvilken betydning har det?
19. August 2022 | Event
Meet Culture Intelligence at ONS 2022
During this summer, we collected data to see what employees of “the future of work” look for and want in organisational culture.
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