Culture Intelligence
Content Hub


31. December 2021 | Media
Culture Intelligence collaborates with 99x, featured in (Sri...
We had the opportunity to participate in an experiment to compare how our organization culture aligns with the culture of our target market – Norway.
6. December 2021 | Podcast
CultureCast #2 - Hvilken rolle har kultur for finansbransjen?
Kultur er muligens det mest forslitte ordet som blir brukt på business akkurat nå, og det er ofte vanskelig å dokumentere om det er lønnsomt og lurt.
28. October 2021 | Podcast
CultureCast #1: Hva betyr kultur for ansatte i bedriften?
Vi er ute av pandemien, nå kommer det store spørsmålet om hvilken effekt vi har hatt av den. Hvordan har den påvirket oss på jobb, personlig og ikke...
28. September 2021 | Article
5 Tips To Transition To A Hybrid Workplace Successfully
In the recent survey conducted by BCG, 60% of respondents indicated they want some flexibility in where and/or when they work in the future.
17. September 2021 | E-book and Report
Business Culture Intelligence Report 2021
The report reveals the pandemic's Nordic business culture impact, especially across age groups, genders, and leadership levels.
7. September 2021 | Event
Pandemien har herjet med bedriftskulturen vet du nok om hvordan?
Vi publiserer Business Culture Intelligence report 2021. Her har vi analysert kulturdata før og etter pandemien.
3. September 2021 | Event
Culture Intelligence at HR Tech 2021
Changing ways of work depends on culture, and the more compatible to change the culture is, the faster and cost effective the change will be.
10. August 2021 | Article
People and IoT
The culture of an organisation is defined as the sum of the value priorities of all members of the organisation.
2. August 2021 | Article
It’s not what you know, it’s how you think
Understanding our pattern-seeking mind is the first step toward real wisdom.
14. July 2021 | Article
Do you find culture complicated?
Culture is not complicated, but it is complex. So, in all complex matter, relevant data makes it easier to understand.
12. May 2021 | Article
The north star of culture development
Companies that are really really good at what they do, where people own the purpose of the company, thrive in the ambitions and do whatever they can
11. May 2021 | Article
Default or designing culture?
Culture may be your biggest help or your worst nightmare. For business leaders, it introduces a great risk, as strategies and project implementation
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