Culture Intelligence
Content Hub


19. August 2022 | Event
Meet Culture Intelligence at ONS 2022
During this summer, we collected data to see what employees of “the future of work” look for and want in organisational culture.
20. July 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #17: “How can the oil industry innovate to meet goals of...
The oil and gas industry is becoming the energy industry, and to do that there is need for rethinking the way they operate.
14. July 2022 | Event
Scaling for Global Success: Culture-driven Innovation
Innovation is the radical opposite of business as usual. Understanding what that means and how the differences show up, requires data.
13. July 2022 | Video
What are culture development challenges?
You, as a leader, cannot just say, “Oh, let’s do culture development.” The main question is where the development process should start and where it...
28. June 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #16: Lederkultur for å få fantastiske ledere
Ledekultur er avgjørende. Kan vi definere den og forbedre lederes evne til å styre selskapet?
22. June 2022 | Video
Changing organizational culture – Why it is so challenging?
It is difficult to change organizational culture when leaders are not able to communicate clearly why they need another culture.
20. June 2022 | Video
What is culture for business?
Although those perks of course help and represent some sort of culture they are really not the core of a culture that we are looking at in business.
1. June 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #15: Kvinner i tech – krever det en egen kultur?
Å bygge kultur tar tid og krever innsikt, data og systematikk. Tech-kultur er viktig i teknologibransjen. Er den inkluderende for alle?
16. May 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #14: Samfunnsansvar og virksomhetsansvar – hvilke forskjeller i...
Hvordan skape kultur med innovasjon, tverrfaglighet, vekst i samfunnet? Kan vi inkludere samfunnsoppdrag?
5. May 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #13: Finnes en riktig kultur for å lykkes med innovasjonsledelse?
Innovasjon har blitt en standard, ISO 56000, så nå er det ikke lenger helt enkelt å jobbe med innovasjon, eller er det blitt lettere?
28. April 2022 | Podcast
CultureCast #12: Tradisjonell oljekultur vs en renewable kultur?
Oljeverden er i endring, Norge ikke noe unntak. Det betyr at oljeselskap nå fokuserer mer på fornybare energiløsninger.
21. April 2022 | Article
The Psychologically Safe Culture
Discover the importance of psychological safety in creating a culture of innovation and collaboration.
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